Monday, August 24, 2009

My Life In A Nut Shell

All By Myself

After living in Queen Creek for a year with my cousin Jodie, I decided to get my own apartment closer to work and school. I found an affordable 1 bedroom apartment near Dobson and Southern called Whispering Meadows. It's a little ghetto, but I've been here almost 3 months and I haven't had any issues.

Dezi Lou!

She had blue eyes when I first got her
I love my baby girl
A Puppy Is Never Cuter Than When They Are Asleep

She has a lot of energy!

So I guess I was bored and lonely in my 1 bedroom apartment by myself and decided I needed to add some chaos! Dezi is a jack russel terrier/lab mix. I got her when she was 9 weeks old and she will be 4 month tomorrow. I'm guessing (and hoping) she won't be more than 20 pounds.

Future Court Reporter Emily

After doing a lot of thinking and researching, I decided to totally change my career path. I have always wanted to be a nurse, but this past year I have really questioned whether its right for me. After serving on a jury back in April, I decided I wanted a job in the court system. I found out Gateway Community College had one of the best court reporting programs in the US. I have been really nervous about this big change in my life, but today was my first day of class and all my fears were put aside. I really feel like this is where I am suppose to be and that I will really enjoy this career path.

I am renting a stenograph machine from the school and it is so old, it looks pretty much like this one here.


What's for dinner? said...

What a cute puppy Emily!
It is always hard to change your career path but I hope you are happy with your new chosen career. Good luck! and yes that is a very ancient stenograph machine!

Katy said...

Wow, so many changes!! New apartment, new puppy, and a new career path! So many exciting things happening in your life Emily! I wish you all the best of luck!! :)

Kylee said...

uh... im lost so you'll have to tell me all about this later on :) But that's exciting your doing something new!

Melody said...

Wow, Emily! That is a completely different career path, but it sounds interesting! I bet you're doing great.